so.. today is the bad bad day ever. jadi hari ini hp gua ilang padahal itu baru 3bulan ya:''''''''''''''''''( sip bgt loh jahat yang ambil. gua gatau how to explain yang jelas hp gua dicuri oleh maling yang pinter banget modus nya. padahal itu hp kenangannya banyak banget banget banget banget banget dah tapi allah mungkin sayang gua jadi.......... hhhhhh semoga yang ambil itu hp bisa sadar terus balikin hpnya ke gua..... Amin. dan terima kasih banyak kepada Arum Jerry dan Ruth yang udah bantuin meskipun gabisa dapetin hpnya balik tp makasih banyak aku cinta kalian.
and for mom and dad i know you are really mad, i know you are disappointed, i know i'm stupid, aku gabisa jaga pemberian ayah sm mamah, i know it mom.... dad.... but mom i'm sorry.. i also dont know what to do.. but i apologize, forgive me please. i love you both:'''(
Kamis, 15 Desember 2011
Kamis, 28 Juli 2011
New school, new friends, new life, new story
HALO!!!! Maaf udah lama gak posting, abis ngurus sekolah tiada henti dan prnya itu bikin gak kuaaaat hahahaha jadi pada akhirnya gua diterima di SMA N 90 JKT. Nah ini waktu MOPDB.......

'Si Putih.... Selerakuu~' Ini pas mau kresen, topi bikinan Ka Ucok

Ini sama Khalilla Ini sama Adam
Oh iyaaaaaaaaaa pas MOPDB, gua kelas x-8. Kapemnnya ka Embul sm Ka Ucok trs peninjaunya ka Linda hahahaha mereka baik-baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik banget

Ini sama Nila gendutttttttt Genter, Muja, aku, Nila, ka Ucok, Lilla, Ica♥
BUT NOW gua udah masuk di x-1 setelah test kemaren...... terus inilah mereka..

Bareng Mamad&Khalilla Ini sama Rexa autis
HERE WE ARE! But, I wasn't there huhuhu gua yang fotoin-_-
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011
Cody Simpson - On My Mind
I’m sleeping through the day
I’m trying not to fade
But every single night
I’ve just been lying awake
Cause I, I can’t get you off my mind
The moment that we met, I didn’t know yet
That I was looking at a face I’ll never forget
Cause I, I can’t get you of my mind
I can’t get you off my mind
Give me the chance to love you
I’ll tell you the only reason why
Cause you are on my mind
I want to know you feel it
What do you see when you close your eyes?
Cause you are on my mind
I want to be best
I want to be worst
I want to be the gravity in your universe
And I, I want to be there to help you fly
I’ll help you fly girl
Oh, the longer that I wait
The more that I’m afraid
That someone’s gonna fool your heart and take you away
Cause I, I finally realized,
That I can’t get you off my mind
Give me the chance to love you
I’ll tell you the only reason why
Cause you are on my mind
I want to know you feel it
What do you see when you close your eyes?
Cause you are on my mind
Girl l can’t live without you
I can’t think straight without you, no
So tell me what should I do
If I can’t get you off my mind
Give me the chance to love
I’ll tell you the only reason why
Cause you are on my mind
I gotta know you feel it
What do you see when you close your eyes?
Cause you are on my mind
You’re on my mind
You’re on my mind all day and night, oh
Cause you are on my mind
Mau dong dinyanyiin ini............. hahahahahahaha
I’m trying not to fade
But every single night
I’ve just been lying awake
Cause I, I can’t get you off my mind
The moment that we met, I didn’t know yet
That I was looking at a face I’ll never forget
Cause I, I can’t get you of my mind
I can’t get you off my mind
Give me the chance to love you
I’ll tell you the only reason why
Cause you are on my mind
I want to know you feel it
What do you see when you close your eyes?
Cause you are on my mind
I want to be best
I want to be worst
I want to be the gravity in your universe
And I, I want to be there to help you fly
I’ll help you fly girl
Oh, the longer that I wait
The more that I’m afraid
That someone’s gonna fool your heart and take you away
Cause I, I finally realized,
That I can’t get you off my mind
Give me the chance to love you
I’ll tell you the only reason why
Cause you are on my mind
I want to know you feel it
What do you see when you close your eyes?
Cause you are on my mind
Girl l can’t live without you
I can’t think straight without you, no
So tell me what should I do
If I can’t get you off my mind
Give me the chance to love
I’ll tell you the only reason why
Cause you are on my mind
I gotta know you feel it
What do you see when you close your eyes?
Cause you are on my mind
You’re on my mind
You’re on my mind all day and night, oh
Cause you are on my mind
Mau dong dinyanyiin ini............. hahahahahahaha
Jumat, 03 Juni 2011
Yesssssss akhirnya gue lulus!!!! Meskipun hasilnya enggak seperti yg gua mau tapi ya lumayanlah...... Ini hasilnya
Keliatan gak tuh??????? Keliatanlah ya hahahaha ya lumayanlah semoga aja masuk SMA........ yg gua mau hahaha Amin. Makasih Ya Allah:'D
Jumat, 20 Mei 2011
For Grandpa:')
Pergi dan Takkan Kembali - RAN
Mengenangmu di hari itu
Di saat ku masih bisa melihat senyumanmu
Meyapamu di pagi itu
Di saat ku masih bisa bercanda dan berbagi tawa
Namun kini kau telah pergi dan takkan kembali
Semoga kau dapatkan tempat terbaik
Di sisiNya
Bilakah kau bersedih bila ku menangis
Kan kuhapus tangisku asalkan kau bahagia
Dan bilakah kini kau telah disisiNya
Kuharap disana kau tetap selalu tersenyum ceria
Namun kini kau telah pergi dan takkan kembali
Semoga kau dapat tempat terbaik
Di sisiNya
Bilakah kau bersedih bila ku menangis
Kan kuhapus tangisku asalkan kau bahagia
Dan bilakah kini kau telah disisiNya
Kuharap disana kau tetap selalu tersenyum ceria
Kakung, kangen:'''''''( kangen bangetttttttttttttttt! Kakung apa kabar? Eyang Putri juga apa kabar? Aku baik disini. Aku jagain Mamah ko Kung, Yang Uti.. Tapi kita belum sempet ketemu ya Yang Uti:') semenjak Kakung gaada, aku ngerayain ulangtahun sendiri..... tanggal ulang tahun kita sama ya Kung, dan pasti dirayain barengan.. kangen banget Kung.. Kangen banget pas kita ngerayain ulangtahun bareng. Sayang, pas Kakung pergi aku masih kecil baru kelas 1 SD, gatau apa2. Bahkan pada saat itu aku gatau 'meninggal itu apa' bodoh ya, tp sekarang udah ngerti Kung.. Dan sayang juga aku ketemu Kakung cuman 6 tahun, sebentar banget ya.. Kangennnn. Nanti kita ketemu ya Kung.. Janji ya kita ketemu Kung! Imysm Kung:""(♥
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
That Should Be Me
That Should be Me ft. Rascal Flatts nya dalem nih
Everybody's laughing in my mind
Rumors spreading 'bout this other guy
Do you do what you did, what you did with me?
Does he love you the way I can?
Did you forget all the plans that you made with me?
'Cause baby, I didn't.
That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong, I can't go on
'Til you believe that that should be me
That should be me
You said you needed a little time for my mistakes
It's funny how you use that time to have me replaced
Did you think that I wouldn't see you out at the movies?
Whatcha doing to me?
You're taken' him where we used to go
Now if you're trying to break my heart
It's working 'cause you know
That, that should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong, I can't go on
'Til you believe that should be me
I need to know should I fight for our love or disown?
It's getting harder to shield this pain in my heart, ooh
That should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong, I can't go on
'Til you believe that that should be me, ooh
Holding your hand, that should be me
The one making you laugh, oh baby
Oh, that should be me, yeah
That should be me, giving you flowers
That should be me, talking for hours
That should be me, that should be me
That should be me
Senin, 02 Mei 2011
Honestly I can't easily forget someone who gave me so much memories. I can't easily erase his name in my mind. I wish I could give you my pain, just for one moment. Not to hurt you but rather so you can finally understand how much you hurt me. Girls are unique, they want you to know how they feel but the don't want to tell you. Enjoy every smile and every tear, because the most beautiful smile come after the most painful tear. Never regret anything that happened in life, it can't be changed. Take is a lesson learned and move on. I hope she doesn't make you laugh, because you laugh belongs to me. Trust is like a paper, once it's crumpled it can't be perfect again. Love isn't a choice, it just happens. A true friend can that you're upset even though you have a huge smile on your face. It's the worst part, if you like someone so much and you knowing they'll never feel the same with you....:'D
I took those words from my sister's notes. I think she has a problem like me it called GALAU.
I took those words from my sister's notes. I think she has a problem like me it called GALAU.
Jumat, 29 April 2011
On Twitter
Jadi pada malam hari ini gua tidak bisa tidur ditemani oleh Jerry chat msn dan Twitter yang masih rame banget. Don't be sad Jer!!!! Nah di twitter tuh si Nila sama Jorge tuh unyu sekali, sangat teramat unyu wkwkwk berawal dari ini:
efek rumah setan emang pulang pulang demam gini sampe skrng~_~ ahh dasar
Lu bikin benjol orng RT @JorgeOsatti: RT @niiilake: efek rumah setan emang pulang pulang demam gini sampe skrng~_~ ahh dasar
terus ini.. terus berlanjut:
haha yg merah serem abiesRT @niiilake: @JorgeOsatti ya gue mana bisa mikir jor lu aja teriak teriak haha
@JorgeOsatti haha iya yg nyegat di jalan tuh gak pergi2 mau balik belakang ada yg lompat2 sama yg putih dibelokan haha
kok lu bisa kejedot dah?RT @niiilake: @JorgeOsatti haha iya yg nyegat di jalan tuh gak pergi2 mau balik belakang ada
@JorgeOsatti kan pas di cegat tuh setan merah gue nunduk ngikutin lu tara dkk mana liatin jalan gue ya ke jedot lah lu sih ngasih jln salah
kok nila jorge unyu gitusih mention22an malem22 gini wkwkwk cptjdy
CIEEEEEE DI RT HAHAHA RT @JorgeOsatti: RT @rafnidalake: kok nila jorge unyu gitusih mention22an malem22 gini wkwkwk cptjdy
CIEEE cpt jadi kek lu berdua RT @niiilake: Mr.jb raf tuh orng wkwk RT @JorgeOsatti: padahal gw cuma asal rt doang RT @rafnidalake: hualah
CIEEE cpt jadi kek lu berdua RT @niiilake: Mr.jb raf tuh orng wkwk RT @JorgeOsatti: padahal gw cuma asal rt doang RT @rafnidalake
dukung :) RT @rafnidalake jadiin jor wkwkwk RT @JorgeOsatti: RT @niiilake: ?RT @rafnidalake: CIEEE cpt jadi kek lu berdua
amin;) RT @arumbugi: dukung :) RT @rafnidalake jadiin jor wkwkwk RT @JorgeOsatti: RT @niiilake: ?RT @rafnidalake: CIEEE cpt jadi kek lu
RT @arumbugi: iya buat dukung lo :D RT @niiilake Lu bikin organisasi ya pada? RT tiarafrz: RT @RENYDESTY #comingsoon! RT @rafnidalake:
AND THAT'S IT HAHAHAHA pesan terakhir Jorge:
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